Frisky Tom
Lethal Enforcers US (Instruction Manual) (U)
F1 Grand Prix (Operator's) (J)
Omega Race
Rad Mobile Deluxe Type SEGA 1st Printing MR 420-5876-01
Rad Mobile Sega Upright Type Owners Manual (420-55976-02)
Rad Mobile Upright Type Owners Manual (420-55976-02)
Radar Scope Schematics
Radar Scope (Schematics) (U)
RadarScope Schematic
Radiant Silvergun (JA)
Radiant Silvergun
Radical Radial
Radical Radial (Conv. Kit Instructions) (U)
Rage of the Dragons (Soft Dip) (U)
Rage of the Dragons
Raiden (Fabtek)
Raiden (Service) (JA)
Raiden (Tecmo)
Raiden 2 (Operator's) (JA)
Raiden 2
Raiden Fighters (Operator's) (U)
Raiden Fighters 2 (JA)
Raiden Fighters 2 (Jap)
Raiden Fighters Jet (Jap)
Raiden Fighters Jet (Operator's) (JA)
Raiden Fighters
Raiden Manual
Raiders 5 (jap)
Rally Bike (U)
Rally Bike
Rally X (Parts & Operating) (U)
Rally X
RallyBike Manual
Rambo 3
Rambo III (U)
Rampage (3 Player Upright) (U)
Rambo3 Manual
Rampage (3 Player Upright)
Rampart (Operator's & Schematics) (U)
Rampart Universal Kit TM-359 1st Printing
Rastan (Instructions) (U)
Rastan Manual
Real Bou tFatal Fury 2 (Jap)
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (JA)
Rebound (Computer Service) (U)
Red Alert (Install-Op-Serv-[..] (U)
Red Baron (DP-169 Upright 1st Printing) (Drawing Package) (Sheet ...
Red Alert
Red Baron (DP-171 Sitdown 1st Printing) (Schematics) (Sheet ...
Red Baron DP-169 Upright 1st Printing (Sheet 2 Missing)
Red Baron DP-171 Sitdown 1st Printing (Sheet 1 & 3 Missing)
Regulus Schematics
Regulus Manual
Relief Pitcher (TM-376 1st Printing) (Kit Installation) (U)
Relief Pitcher (CO-376-02 1st Printing) (Supplement) (U)
Relief Pitcher CO-376-02 1st Printing
Relief Pitcher TM-376 1st Printing